Frequently Asked Questions

Recreation Program

  • How many field times will my child have per week?

Recreation programs have 2 field times per week.


  • How many games will my child play?

Generally, U4/U6 does not have formal matches, U8/U10 mini plays a game each field day, and youth play one game per week.


  • How far will we have to travel?

U4-U8 programs play and practice at their home field, except for special events like mini soccer day or mini world cup. U10 programs will practice at their home field, and may travel for games against other U10 teams within BV, Castlegar, Rossland and Trail.


  • What equipment do we need?

All players need soccer cleats, shin pads, socks and shorts. Jerseys are provided by KSYSA.



Development Program

  • How is U10/12 development going to work and what do the fees include?

This year for U1​0 and U12, the development kids will stay together for the whole season. There will be logistical decisions that we won’t be able to make until we see registration numbers for both recreational and development soccer.​​ The fee shown includes all the field times from March to September and two tournament fees.


  • Will there be tryouts?

Development teams have evaluation times that help to place youth on appropriate teams. These teams are made, each season, depending on registration numbers, volunteer availability and division goals for that season.


  • How many field times will my child have per week?

Depending on the division and volunteer availability, players will be on field 2 - 3 times per week.


  • How many games will my child play?

Game play depends on the division. All development teams go to a minimum of two tournaments where they will play games. Outside of tournaments, games will depend on registration numbers, volunteer availability and division goals. The intention is to play a game weekly in May/June.


  • How far will we have to travel?

Development teams will travel within BV, Castlegar, Rossland and Trail depending on registration numbers and volunteer availability. Tournaments are offered within our association as well as in Cranbrook/Kimberley, Invermere, and Sandpoint ID.


  • What equipment do we need?

Development players will bring their own kits they will order through Macron, our new supplier. KSYSA will provide game jerseys that must be returned at the end of the season.


  • Can I use my kit from last year?

KSYSA is updating kits this season to have consistent options moving forward so parents can buy one kit until their players grows out of that size. We hope this will mean less waste of kits and families can re-use moving forward.


  • How do I order my kit?

Kits are ordered through Macron. Order your kit prior to February 15, 2025 to be a part of the group order and not pay extra for shipping.


  • What happens if I miss the deadline to order?

Parents who miss the deadline to order will be responsible for their shipping costs.




  • What are the requirements for volunteering?

There are many volunteer positions that you can help with in our association that require training and weekly commitments, to no training and one off opportunities.  Email ks************@gm***.com for details.


  • Can my pre-teen / teenager volunteer to coach?

Yes! A qualified adult must also be on field to ensure guidelines are being followed.





  • Why are the fees more expensive than last year?
The main reason our fees have increased this year is because we haven’t increased our fees in over five years. Our expenses were projected to exceed our revenue, so an increase was necessary. The fees go towards the cost of insurance, equipment, storage, jerseys, technical direction, administrative costs, field rentals, referees etc.  Additionally, for those players in development the fees will include registration fees for two tournaments.
The Recreation and Development program were streamlined to offer a quality program to our players. Previously development families paid dev fees, rec fees and team fees. This year we have combined all three fees together to provide a smoother registration experience, including the ability to pay in installments.
  • Can my daughter register in the boys division?

Yes. Girls who prefer to play with boys can join the co-ed division.


  • What if I can’t pay the fees?

If you are unable to pay the fees, we suggest you apply for Financial Aid as early as possible thorough Canadian Tire Jumpstart, Kidsport and/or Athletics 4 Kids. Once approved, these programs will send payment for program fees. In order to secure your spot, you can pay the initial installment payment.


  • What if I live in one location but my child wants to play in another location?

When you register there will be a question asking about preferred field location. You can choose the field location to ensure the division leader knows your family preference.


  • What happens if I miss the registration deadline?

Late fees of $50 are implemented after the initial registration deadline. Once registration closes, registration will be at the approval of the Development and Recreation Committees and will depend on volunteer and space availability.